Islands of the Future:
Blue Solutions and Highest Ambition on Climate Change
A Side Event at the UN Oceans Conference 2022
Hosted by the Governments of Vanuatu, Tuvalu, St. Kitts & Nevis & Palau
Partners: Pacific Island Climate Action Network, The Stimson Center, Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund, The Commonwealth Secretariat
Wednesday 29 June 2022
Vanuatu, Tuvalu, St Kitts & Nevis and Palau with Stimson, Taiwan ICDF & Commonwealth Secretariat will share innovative research, tools, legal and diplomatic approaches for SIDS to take action to build coastal climate resilience.
Alignment with UNOC Theme #5:
“Promoting and strengthening sustainable ocean-based economies,
in particular for small island developing States and least developed countries”
Welcome and Introductions
Sally Yozell, Director of Environmental Security, Stimson Center
Moderated Discussion
· Sally Yozell, Director of Environmental Security, Stimson Center (moderator)
· Hon. Minister Silas Bule Melve, Vanuatu
· Dr. Tapugao Falefou, Chief Secretary to the Government, Tuvalu
· HE Ambassador Illana Seid, Permanent Representative to the UN, Palau
· Ms. Cheryl Jeffers, Conservation Officer, St. Kitts and Nevis
· Mr. Alex Shyy, Deputy Secretary General, TaiwanICDF
· Ms. Heidi Prislan, Commonwealth Blue Charter Adviser, Commonwealth Secretariat
Calls to Action Video
Prime Ministers of Vanuatu and Tuvalu
Q&A with Panel
Moderated by Sally Yozell
Summary & Conclusion
Thank you and closing